Thursday, March 15, 2012

make your own angry birds!!

hola2x~ malaysia is the best country!!!


slm, me and my coursemate will have a mini carnival on 16-17 march @ our beloved campus UNISZA (kusza campus)... lets join us! i will have my first workshop and teach you how to make your own angry birds with a very2x reasonable cost and some cool handmade craft..

event details:

                         event  : alpha's mini carnival
                         date   : 16-17 march 2012
                         place  : foyer pejabat asrama unisza
                         time   : 2.30pm -6.30pm (16 march)
                                   9.30am-6.30pm  (17march)
                  ~just bring your little energy to make your own angry birds...

*it is not necessary to be a girl to make a craft product and give your precious handmade item to ypur lover, so boys lets grab this opportunity, show something to your lover.... hehehehe....

you can make it for your beloved friends, brothers, sisters, teachers or even for your own collection... so come on and join me, for any enquiry or reservation just text me 012-3008274 (adiba, animal science, 3rd year)...

k, slm and adios!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

anger birds landing on my laptop~

hola 1 malaysia!!! great country should be visit by foreigners~ wahahaha....

its good to be in my beloved country, malaysia!!!

bbrape n3 yg akan dtg nk update some new item walaupun xbrape nk new juge.. dh lame buat tp baru nk update...

k, kat sini ade 5 ekor burung yg dlm kemarahan yg sesat telah mendarat dgn garang ny... jom tgk!

amacam? comey x burung yg tgh marah nih???

akan datang nk buat ape blom tau lg... semoge bakat yg dikurnia masih boleh dimanfaatkan... insyaAllah, slm and adios!

a ship need to sail-off~

tuuu tuuuu tuuuuu....

hello malaysia!! its good to have some new item...

kali ni ade buat 1 kapal, utk someone tp blom hantar lg.. cincai2x aje.. sempena hari istimewa dy.. nnt2x la baru hntr... 

jom tgk amende ny?? sampai nk kne belayar tu... huhhu~

semoga ketemu tuan ny~

c u kat next n3.... slm and adios!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

special utk diri sendri~

hurrrrmmmmmm, hai-o-hello everybody~

its good to see u again... lets have some new item, wah wah wah...

~fully handstich by my own bare hands~
yeah! selepas bbrape hari naik sem keje xberderet lagi, make trhasil lah tote beg yg direka dan dijahit khas utk diri sendri... huh! xde jual kat kdai tau... huhhu, susah juge klau jd orang yg cerewet nih.. 

tp alhamdulillah, dikurnia bakat dan kekuatan maka terhasil lah beg ni.. buat p kelas agak retro sikit.. tp wa suke... simple je.. almaklum, tuan dy ni suke pkai konsep minimalis.. klau sarat2x nnt xsesuai plak.. rase ny ni trend student skarang.. whatever it take, i've made it.. just like having an autumn on my bag~

klau ade yg berminat buleh seru name ku di fb~ miss dibs creation (SA0193840-H)

chow, slm and adios!!!