~ddoo doooong~ HELLO MALAYSIA!!!
check this out, a couple of id holder that i have made last 2-3 days.. actually there should be 2 couple of it but i forgot to snap the other couple.. i just post it to the owner just now in the evening... ~what a waste~ it should be in my precious photo album...
hmmmm, xdpt nk buat album lagu album gambar jadi la, tp dh trlupe kerana xcited sgt nk hntr kat owner dy... xpela, ape yg ade kite tengok je la! huhuhuhu...
and this make my tiny buttons stock getting to the very2x low level, wahahaha... lame xrestock barang2x craft.. harap ny ade la kemungkinan utk tambah stok, insyaAllah....
one more thing, knp ntah gambar yg diambil gune hp ni makin blur.. something wrong ka sama wa pny telipon??? ~aduish~ hrp ny xde ape.... k, may the new owner like my hasil 'keras tangan'...
so my friend, i seru u support my 'keras tangan' by make some order request!! i still need more practice....
k, chow and slamat berpuase and selamat hari raya! *sminggu je lg....